Wednesday, July 30, 2008

BENV2423 - Example of Machinima - 'Grand Theft Auto IV Al-Qaeda style Bus bomb'

This video is an example of the way objects interact with characters within the game; in particular, the idea of explosion and the way that they can be triggered from just about anything. The clip shows how explosions are therefore, unpredictable and erratic. They can bring about complete change within an environment in a matter of seconds causing absolute chaos and destruction.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Final Images

Top space: Donatella Versace. The structure represents her separation from guidance and the way she has made it on her own.
Bottom Space: Steve Jobs. I am representing development and growth as Jobs' power is dude to his innovation and the way he has used it to build his business.

second draft images

Final table and elevators

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Tip

Something I have learned whilst doing this course is that every detail counts and each bit of effort will be worth it in the end. By spending a few extra minutes on shading in an axonometric or straightening up perspective lines, you will notice a big difference in the finished product and you will feel that the extra time and effort has payed off.

Exp 3 Screenshots

Sketchup Elevator 1

Two point perspectives

One point perspectives

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Make way for the plastic surgery victim, the Big Momma of the Billionaires’ Club and the Beethoven of business.
Donatella Versace; also known as meat with hair, always played muse to her jujitsu master. Donatella soon proved to be a hugely successful socialite and the biggest name in fashion. she is accredited as a public relations giant and at the height of her creative and promotional powers, Donatella finally took the reins of notable celebrities to broadcast her clothing into the world on the catwalk.
Zhang Yin has just emerged from a stampede of entrepreneurs as the richest 49-year-old paper recycler and the wealthiest self-made woman in the world. Even her name is the subject of some alluring contention. She has rocketed up the Fortune Charts thanks to her Nine Dragons which got bigger and bigger, increasing her power.
Jobs is a man who can leap in his fortunes. He can bend suppliers, partners, and even industries to his will. He plunged head first into the fast paced world of the computer industry. Jobs has exercised booming character and integrity receiving a standing ovation from heavyweights all over the world.

Ines Mendoza, WebWombat, 11 May 2008,

Brent Schlender, November 2007, Fortune, 11 May 2008,

Money Week, October 2006, 11 May 2008,

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Final Model - Stephen Hawking Space

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” - Stephen Hawking

This space relates to change as it provokes restraint as well as freedom when you are inside it. The transitions from the corridor ramps to the main lab brings about a sudden change of mood and aesthetics.

Final Model - Meeting Space

The wide and open meeting space evokes diversity in thought and is the perfect place for ideas to grow and develop in. It spans out in three directions which suggests opportunity and growth.

Final Model - Florence Nightingale Space

"I never lose an opportunity of urging a practical beginning, however small, for it is wonderful how often the mustard-seed germinates and roots itself."

This space expands and changes as you travel up the ramp, the ramp is an experience in itself as it makes its way up to the lab. The thin ramp expands into a wide lab and then it changes once more in the smaller room.

Draft Model

Axonometric Ramp Studies